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Coppermine for PHP-Nuke - Release/Upgrade v1.3.1
Modulespcnuke writes "Coppermine for PHP-Nuke - Release/Upgrade v1.3.1

Announcement" The coppermine addon for PHP-Nuke recently lost
its support and continuing development from the originating authors. Because
of this, Pc-Nuke! looked for support throughout the web, but found none. So...
Pc-Nuke! has created a location for support & development of "Coppermine for PHP-Nuke" program.

This does not mean Pc-Nuke! is going to become the developer of this program now, just a part
of the greater community for "Coppermine for PHP-Nuke". Anyone interested in the continuing
development of this ADDON should contact us through our "Menu/Support/Contact section on our
website listed below. Anyone who makes changes to this module, please send those changes to
Pc-Nuke! so we can incorp them into the latest version release. Pc-Nuke! considers this
program a "Continuing Community Involved" project.

Note: Do not confuse the contents of "Coppermine for PHP-Nuke" releases/upgrades with the
stand alone version releases. This program is currently on its own path of development.

View live recent version for changes here:

*** Changes from 1.3.0a to 1.3.1 ***
Created upgrade package from v1.3.0a to v1.3.1
changed HELP link
changed the menu structure and wording
changed footer and links in footer
changed version number
changed name to "Coppermine for PHP-Nuke"
included in footer: A Nuke Community Team Project
changed all block title prfixs from CPG to "Gallery"
Brought theme totals up to 7
added Paypal upgrade page
added copyright

Current problems for anyone offering help on this module
Link to "Developers helping on Coppermine for PHP-Nuke":

Versions 1.3.0a and later can be downloaded here:
For upgrades & Versions prior to 1.3.0a downloaded here:

The Pc-Nuke! Team "
Posted on Sunday, July 10 @ 16:41:21 CEST by VinDSL
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Re: Coppermine for PHP-Nuke - Release/Upgrade v1.3.1 (Score: 1)
by NukeEvangelist on Sunday, July 10 @ 17:49:47 CEST
(User Info | Send a Message)
hello pcnuke

great work - great project - keep it up.

we need to create a sustainable development of the amazon module - help out to work on the
amazon module...

all ways remember - FRAGMENTATION leeds to weaknes - and to superugly bottlenecks - If you can - then share all your knowlege and experience and help to unify all your efforts with the greater community

in typical open source style - where constant recombination takes place many folks take Edgardos Module patched it up, recombined it, reshuffled it. Above all: in typical os-style this Amazon-Web Services module is allways in a dynamic, becoming state.

PC nuke - please share all your infos - ideas and all you have to the amazon module. And if you share it - then you multiply the knowlege - and get back many many more than you spent.

Several innovations orginate from creative recombining and patching up of pre-existent piecies of code. Let us exploit the variety and the redundancy of the knowledge ressources available in the Nuke-environment. Let us work on a sustainable development on the

amazon module - put the ideas to the NukeAmazone-module togehter - and help to create a sustainable development.

what do you think - lets throw the efforts togehter - and work on a faster development of the amazon module

- keep up your great project

best whishes

Re: Coppermine for PHP-Nuke - Release/Upgrade v1.3.1 (Score: 1)
by NukeEvangelist on Monday, July 11 @ 01:00:15 CEST
(User Info | Send a Message)
hello pcnuke

many thanks for the input. we ve got many many Amazon friends here -. so a development site for the amazonmodule could help out!

A Site called NukeAmazon-module would be a great great help. Pc-Nuke!

PC Nuke i am glad to see you dont mind setting up a section in your forum for an Amazon Development Project,

please help to get a viable and thrive development -
many thanks

Re: Coppermine for PHP-Nuke - Release/Upgrade v1.3.1 (Score: 1)
by Regs on Monday, July 11 @ 02:31:36 CEST
(User Info | Send a Message)
Registration Error!
Nickname must be 5 to 20 characters long.

Unfortunately it is impossible to register at max.pcnuke - there always comes this registration error.

Regards: Regs

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