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Nuke royal released Royal E-Solutions 1.5. |
scandicdiscopub writes "After several months of hard work,finally we released: Nuke royal 1.5.
The system has been thouroughly tested on all phpnuke versions and PHP-Nuke Platinum
Click the readmore for a full feature coverage of "her".
If u not sure if Royal E-Solutions meet your needs,
You can now download your free trial at Nukeroyal digital goods section
And take "her" for a test spin!
Now lets get to the details of "her":
Before you read more,Among the newest features is that u can now also sell any digital good and couple it to the discount/coupon manager.
And also that now You can Add all permissions to one subscription at once.in one click!awesome
Subscription Features:
- change the appearance, title, image and slogan for the account option.
- Set Name of membership/subscription.
- Memberships Flag/Image to be used to represent this package.
- Compose a description for the membership/subscription package.
- Set the membership/subscription price.
- Select currency for this membership/subscription this will overide the default currency setting if other than default is selected.
- Option to apply discount profiles. Options listed from discount profile settings.
- Option to configure the time frame for membership/subscription price to paid. Select from monthly, every two months, every three months, every four months, every five months, every half year, every seven months, every eight months, every nine months, every ten months, every eleven months, every year.
- Edit membership/subscriptions.
- Delete membership/subscriptions.
Overview of membership/subscriptions which offers
Complete statistics of items that belong to that subscription and ability to manage everything to do with that subscription from the overview screen for that membership/subscription.
- New revamped permission handling that will allow you to add modules, blocks, digital goods, custom blocked user message, and forums to the membership/subscription package rather than the old way of adding permissions to each of those elements seperately from different areas. Now you can convieniently add or delete these items quickly and easily from your membership/subscriptions overview page.
- Displays total users subscribed.
- Dropdown menu of each user belonging to this membership/subscription.
- Email a membership/subscription group - This area allows you to select a specific group that you can send html emails or text emails to the entire group at once.
Digital Goods Settings
- Option for unregistered users to suggest changes.
- Most Popular items to show setting. 5 - 25
- Option to show most popular as a number or percentage.
- Option to display number of items on each page 10 20 30 40 50
- Option to configure number of items on each admin list 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
- Option to configure number of hits to be POPULAR 100 - 1000
- Option to display number of items listed on each search page 10 20 30 40 50
- Option to show number of items for each category
- Option to use Security Code
- Listing option to let users change listings.
- Listing option to show download listing in td cells or in a dropdown. Under each other or next to each other.
- Listing option to show category listing in td cells or in a dropdown.
- Listing option to show details on listing.
- Configure date format.
- Option to configure who can view the Digital Goods products. Options include None, All Visitors, Registered Users, Only Administrators, Only Subscribers.
- Option to show xlatest and xbest on digital goods.
- Option to let users propose a category.
- Option to show x random goods from an author on the profile page.
- Option to limit for show, random goods by author. 10 - 50
- Option to How many records per td cell (random goods by author) 5 - 25
- Option to Show an associated Icon for this good
- Option to configure how many times one and the same Digital Goods product can be downloaded. Select Unlimited - 10
- Configure the Number of tries for coupon from coupon system may be redeemed. Select from 0 - 10
- Option to configure image thumbsize (max 500).
- Option to configure the default currency.(can override per good) EUR EurosBritish Pounds US Dollars Canadian Dollars
- Configure sales ipn url and check url.
- Configure discount ipn url and check url.
- Configure thank you url and check url.
- Configure cancel url and check url.
- Configure primary paypal email.
- Configure support email.
- Option to activate disclaimer for sales.
- Option to compose default disclaimer for sales.
- Option to activate disclaimer for Uploads and details.
- Option to compose default disclaimer for Upload/Submit Goods feature.
- Option to compose download directions on details page.
- Option to compose thank you text for thankyou page.
- Option to compose cancel text for cancel page.
- Option to activate Ipn debugger.
- Configure Paypal Ipn logfile path.
- Configure Paypal url.
- Option to send email to customer on successful transaction.
- Option to configure email title for email sent out when goods are purchased.
- Option to configure email message for a email sent out when goods are purchased.
- Option to activate reviews.
- Option to activate scroll on reviews.
- Option to configure short review text on X many characters.
- Option to show how many reviews per lid. (LIMIT) 2 24 48
- Option to let unregistered users add review.
- Add/or modify a digital extension.
- Enter the specific digital extension type.
- Configure if it is an electronic file type.
- Configure if it is an image type.
- Configure icon to represent this extention.
Digital Goods Management - this area will allow you to manage all of your digital goods and the digitol downloads module.
Specifics include:
- Category and sub-category creation.
- Configure description.
- Configure submission permissions. Options are None, All Visitors, Registered Users Only, Administrators Only, and E-Solution Subscriptions.
- Configure path to downloads directory. (used for file uploads)
- Option to allow uploads.
- Category and sub-category edit.
- Configure description.
- Configure submission permissions. Options are None, All Visitors, Registered Users Only, Administrators Only, and E-Solution Subscriptions.
- Configure path to downloads directory. (used for file uploads)
- Option to allow uploads.
- Transfer goods to another category or sub-category.
- Category overview with options to modify, deactivate, or delete the category.
- Digital Goods Overview with details on title, filesize, added, functions, icon, and permissions.
- In the overview you also have convienient access to change any of the attributes of a digital goods file.
- Waiting content features to give a quick view of broken downloads, waiting goods submitted, and modification requests.
- Check file sizes feature to have the system check that the filesizes match. Results with return a ok or failed response.
- Digital goods file checker feature to have the system check that the files are present. Results with return a ok or failed response.
Subscribers Admin Area - This area is designed to allow you to manage your subscribers to the system.
Specifics include:
- Add new user and select from the available membership/subscription packages created and available.
- Edit new user and select from the available membership/subscription packages created and available.
- Subscriber manager that allows you to manage your subscribing members using the following options:
· see subscriptions
·edit subscription
·move from/to a subscription
·special permissions
·show transactions
Addon ons area
- to manage the following user info block settings, add a discount, discount overview, turn on search engine friendly urls.
Specifics include:
User Info Block preview and settings options to include:
- Show Usercount for all, none, or specific
- membership/subscription plans.
- Choose Image Icon:
- Show flag(s) next to username.
- Show Royal Memberships Users online.
- Show subscriber(YES) or welcome(NO) status to royal member.
Add a discount options include:
- Configure discount name.
- Compose discount description.
- Configure discount amount in hard amount xx.xx or percentage off.
- Configure discount currency. Select from EUR, British Pounds, US Dollars, Canadian Dollars
- Configure if discount amount entered is to be calculated in percent or amount off.
- Configure a discount code to be used
Search Engine Friendly Url Configuration options include:
- Power switch (Turn On or Off)
- Debugger (Turn On or Off)
- Configure path to google addon.
- Configure E-Solution module name you will call it on your site.
- Configure the digital goods module name you will call it on your site.
Statistics area
- to gain activity and statistical information about your memberships/subscriptions.
Specifics include:
Display of total transactions found.
- You can check all the statements and payments made by your subscribing members.
- Details of each transaction include:
·Payment made by.
·Email of subscriber.
·Membership/subscription name.
·Complete Date of transaction.
·Trans. ID Number.
·Payment Date.
·Amount received.
·Current Status.
Digital Goods Transactions include:
- Display of total transactions found.
- You can check all the statements and payments made by your subscribing members.
- Details of each transaction include:
·Payment made by.
·Email of subscriber.
·Item name.
·Complete Date of transaction.
·Trans. ID Number.
·Payment Date.
·Amount received.
·Current Status.
- Log file viewer to read the logs of your e-solution modules activities.
Permissions manager
- This manages permission settings for protecting site content and assigning the content elements to membership/subscription packages.
All Content items have the options to see, modify, customize and activate the custom denial of access message.
Content areas are broken down into the following categories
- block permissions
- forum permissions
- messages permissions
- modules permissions.
Specifics include:
Blocks Options
- Option to show flag.
- Option on how many blocks per page 5 - 25
- Option to hide or show block title.
- Option to select what message to show unsubscribed members. Show custom message, show subscriptions links, or hide completely.
- Option to compose a custom message.
Message Options
- Option to show flag.
- Option on how many messages per page 5 - 25
- Option to hide or show message title.
- Option to select what message to show unsubscribed members. Show custom message, show subscriptions links, or hide completely.
- Option to compose a custom message.
Forum Options
- Option to show flag.
- Option on how many messages are listed per page 5 - 25
Options for showing messages on blocked module. Show subscription links, custom message, or plain text.
- Compose and save a custom access denied message.
- Option to allow moderators access on the forums.
Modules Options
- Option to show flag.
- Option on how many messages are listed per page 5 - 25
- Options for showing messages on blocked module.
- Show subscription links, custom message, or plain text.
- Compose and save a custom access denied message.
Customize E-Solution Look and feel Options
- Compose a title
- Compose a header message. (HTML is Allowed)
- Compose a body message. (HTML is Allowed)
- Option to show subscriptions with flag.
- Option to show button.
- Show as normal link(show button must be no)
- Enable custom table and cell colors.
- Show usercount on profile.
- Configure table color.
- Configure cell color.
Subscribers Manager Options
Configure subscribers listed per page 5 - 25
- Configure searchresults per page 5 - 25
- Configure non subscribers listed per page 5 - 25
Database Management Area
- Manual Install of e-Solution tables.
- Database management that will optimize tables.
- Database management that allows for exporting of tables to Word.
- Database management that allows for exporting of tables to Exell.
Downloads Accesses and Coupon Accesses Area
Specifics include:
Coupon Accesses listed. Username, downloads, Lid(item id), and tries.
- Download and Uploads Accesses listed. Username, downloads, uploads, Lid(item id), and url.
Come and get yours now at Nukeroyaldotcom"
Posted on Tuesday, March 01 @ 07:29:26 CET by VinDSL |
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Average Score: 3 Votes: 4

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