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NewsGrabber 0.2 Module
Modulescivax writes "Only after reading about XDMP on I realize that I've worte a script a year ago that basically does the same. NewsGrabber 0.2 allows you to extract news from sites and add them to your subitted news queue - and for free. The best feature of it is also the one that is the most annoying. You can scan ANY news site you want - as long as you made a profile for it. Making a profile is very easy and example profiles are inclosed. You could even share profiles you did with other and download other profiles. Be sure to read the readme.txt."
Posted on Thursday, July 17 @ 21:06:22 CEST by Zhen-Xjell
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Re: NewsGrabber 0.2 Module (Score: 1)
by civax on Friday, July 18 @ 03:14:13 CEST
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I would be happy to get comments or points you would like to improve.

Re: NewsGrabber 0.2 Module (Score: 1)
by MikeMiles on Friday, July 18 @ 04:37:22 CEST
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You are going to burst the bubble of some when they see how easy it is to create their own. I haven't tried your script yet but am curious how frequent it does a data pull from the other server? Don't want to do it too frequently.

Re: NewsGrabber 0.2 Module (Score: 1)
by civax on Friday, July 18 @ 05:01:51 CEST
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It doesn't set a cronjob - it will scan a specific site you'll give it just when you'll run it. It's not updating your site automatically or anything.

Of course, you can set a cronjob yourself on your server but I won't recommand it.

It's just a simple script. If I'll see it in much demand I might release the version I'm currently use on my site. However, it is quite more complex and not very well documented, so I'll spare the work if the interest isn't very high... :)

Re: NewsGrabber 0.2 Module (Score: 1)
by civax on Monday, July 21 @ 08:58:04 CEST
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NewsGrabber has a very stupid bug - I've released version 0.3 that solves this and adds a little. Download it here: []. If you just want to fix your 0.2 version, go to the function grabNews($profile) (the first function) and in the global line add $profiles_dir. That will be a "fixed" version 0.2. Please note I've updated the profiles format of v0.3.

Re: NewsGrabber 0.2 Module (Score: 1)
by AdY on Saturday, July 19 @ 20:42:11 CEST
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I installed it and it sends me to http://localhost/nuke/admin.php?op=grab. And i can't see why, because i installed it corectly.
And everytime when i click "Scan Site" for any of the four examples it get's me to a blank page... :(

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