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Word of warning about xdmp
Add Onsbigsi writes "Be wary of installing XDMP as a news feed for your PHP nuke site. Applications like these degrade the overall quality of the internet, and add sites to the list of millions that are not worth visiting. Although the idea behind this application seems to be a good one, "A constant feed of updated news directly to your site without lifting a finger", you will have 'EXACTLY' the same news on your site as thousands of other PHP nuke sites. As this application gets installed on more sites, so the value of the content will de-grade. PHP nuke sites are already easy to spot as they all look the same, without adding to the fact that you will all have the same content. The idea behind the world wide web is to share information and resources, not to 'DUPLICATE' it across thousands of sites. Ask yourself this question...

"Do you really want your site to look exactly the same as a thousand other sites, and have exactly the same content?" The idea of a website is to have a unique or personal view on an idea, topic or discussion... But then, its up to you if you want to follow the heard, or stand out form the crowd..."
Posted on Wednesday, July 16 @ 11:11:34 CEST by Zhen-Xjell
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Re: Word of warning about xdmp (Score: 1)
by Master-V on Wednesday, July 16 @ 13:41:16 CEST
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I must say I completely agree with you on this. While I think that the idea is great, In the end we just have a bunch of sites with the same content. It's one thing to pull headlines from a site, but when you start putting articles on your site, that everyone else has, why even bother. I love PHP-Nuke but with XDMP, it's like we are trying to give everyone a website in a box. No more work involved. You just install Nuke, and pay some money and you have a fully functional site. You don't even have to do your own news....

Re: Word of warning about xdmp (Score: 1)
by acizmendi on Wednesday, July 16 @ 14:19:37 CEST
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this is something which FB wants to make more and more money our of it. So I dont support the idea.

Re: Word of warning about xdmp (Score: 1)
by luchtzak on Wednesday, July 16 @ 15:31:51 CEST
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10 euro to subscribe seems alot to me ......

Re: Word of warning about xdmp (Score: 1)
by MikeMiles on Wednesday, July 16 @ 17:15:34 CEST
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I posted the same concern days ago in the forums. Yes, it creates cookie cutter sites. Like I said back then, anyone who depends on this for their main content shouldn't be running a website. When these clone sites are set up the search engines will penalize them for having the exact same content. Nuke already has a reputation for creating sites that all look the same and this will reinforce the stereotype even more.

Re: Word of warning about xdmp (Score: 1)
by 3shots on Thursday, July 17 @ 02:52:11 CEST
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If xdmp was the only source of content, I could see the point.

If every subscriber to xdmp was to suck down every article offered, I could see the point.

Like any tool it has the ability to be abused, or misused, but once again FB comes up with a Neato solution to adding content on a Daily Basis ( hourly if you want ) and people get in a huff.

Dream Weaver , Frontpage, Flash, Swish, you name the program and the sites it creates all tend to look alike as well, and the more popular a web creation program gets the more "cookie cutter " sites you see.

Search engines don't penalize on that basis, if anything they penalize PHP sites period because of the way links are generated. They penalize you based on who you are linked to - if all you have is links to FFA sites, your not going to get a good rating. If you misuse your META Tags by repetitive insertions ( Spamming ) or by useing keywords that do not relate to your content ( also considered spamming ) you get penalized. But you'll never be penalized for actually having the topical content that your META Tags Declare, and that includes letting xdmp place Topically relevant stories on your site.

As to degrading the quality of the Internet, that's just scaremongering, and issueing a Red Herring as an excuse to bash FB. XML and RSS feeds were designed to make the net a more open place to be, so that news could be readily moved from place to place without everyone having to write about the same stuff. It removes the problems of leeching, it comes very close to removing the problems of plagarizm, and all of the XML and RSS feeds running on the Internet today use less bandwidth than ever before - because they only move headlines - NOT the complete article .

News Topics Feeds - as they relate to your site can be nothing but a positive thing. It's just another tool that we can CHOOSE to use or not.

If the only content that a site had was based on the xdmp, I might agree about it being a pretty weak site and maybe the person running it should look to something else as a hobby - but to try and insinuate that xdmp is inherently evil, is just another way for people to dump on FB .. and all he did was give us this marvellous software, so that we can complain about it ... LOL

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