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Royal Esolution ,repacked!
Add Onsscandicdiscopub writes "Due to the tremendous popularity of Royal E-Solution with currently over 400 Owners,
has expanded the product with ioncubes technology.

Thanks to this technology we can now offer E-Solution as a trial.

Royal E-Solution is available for PHP-Nuke 6.5 -7.6 and Platinium nuke 7.6.0-

So you can install and check it out for yourself.

The trial version is fully functional except that you cannot receive and send payments to paypal.

Surf over to Nuke royal and try it now.
Read below for the new feautres,
amogn the biggest is the discount coupon feature,
you can now create coupon profiles as amount or percent and apply then on your created subscriptions,and as much as you like.

E-solution for php-nuke 6.5 untill 7.6 and Platinium Nuke 7.6.0.


-Create infinite subscriptions

-Create infinite couponcodes profiles to add to your subscriptions.

-Set Discounts in percent or in amount.

-Add multiple discounts to one or more subscriptions.

-Advanced subscribers manager
-Search option on wildmatch to facilitate searches.

-Keep userlogs about each subscriber.

-Set a subscriber private or not(not check expiredate)

-List only subscribers ordered by id name startdate enddate

-Abilitly to edit move add subscribers with great facility

-Advanced Non-subscribers Manager

-Lists only non subscribers (filtered out anonymous)

-Approve Manually users with a DHTML calendar witihn clicks

-Approve automatically with Papyals IPN after subscribing automatically the user will be approved.

-Transactions Manager

-Advanced Digital Goods system
-Create Digitalgoods as in Goods or mediafiles.

-Set multiple permissions for your goods for your created subscriptions.

-Set how many times a user can try

-Set how many times a user can download the same file.

-Set a coupon code for your digital goods.

-Set who or which subscription(s) to view the detailed page with your file details

-Extension Manager with associated icon.

-included a list with preadded extensions.

-Add edit delete extensiions and set what extension to allow .

-Advanced submit goods system
-Set which subscription(s) to upload in what category and or what extensions

-Advanced Permission Manager for PHP-Nuke core functions for :
Forums Messages Blocks and Modules.

-Set multiple subscriptions on one or more block(s),module(s),message(s) and forum(s).

-Make a custom message for each individual forum,module,message or block.

-But also decide to show flag,subscription link and or general message,

Send emails to one or all subscriptions created by you ,in html or plain text.

-User info block through admin panel customized
-Set which # amount of subscribers in a certain subscription or all.

-Show subscribers online or not
-Show flag or not
-Show welcome subscribers messager or normal
- includesAdvanced(scrolling) forum block included

-showing for each forum message their corresponding subscription

- auto installer

Posted on Friday, January 21 @ 22:57:24 CET by VinDSL
Related Links
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· News by VinDSL

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Release Msn Block Checker 2.0

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