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PHPNuke FlashGames Module +Hi-Score Support
Add Onsforahobby writes "' The Flash Games module will soon be available for download and installation into any phpnuke website.. This will be absolutely free and you will not have to be a VIP member to gain access to the module '
After many months of hard work (in my spare time) the FlashGames module is now working 95% and needs to be tested. Version currently running on is 'FlashGames'.

The Flash Games module will soon be available for download and installation into any phpnuke website.. Once the testing phase has completed it will be available on xbox-hq.. The module will be absolutely free and you will not have to be a VIP member to gain access to the module.

If you would like SUPPORT for the webgames module unfortunately it will only be available to xbox-hq VIP MEMBERS. Please sign up as a VIP MEMBER if required so i can help you with your installation and so you can also gain access to other files available to VIP USERS on my site which you may need if running an older verion of phpnuke..

Heres some of the features:
- Currently over 50 hi-score enabled games online
- HiScore intergration using the pnFlashGames Component v1.0
- HiScore intergration using the pnFlashGames Component Older Versions

- Commercial Games not Working Yet
- All pnFlashGame enabled games will now work with phpnuke Flash_Games module
+ Anonymous users scores do not get saved.
+ Anonymous users must insert three coins to play a Flash Game.
(This attracts new visitors to the site..)
+ Partner site with as per Agreement with Lee Eason
+ Add Comments for each game (100%)
+ Displays Comments for each game (100%)
+ Admin can delete any comment (100%)
+ Added Xbox-Hq Flash Games Module Logo + Phpnuke Logo + pnFlashGames Logo in the footer of Flash Module. (100%)

Admin Interface features:
- install main hiscore tables in phpnuke (+ samples) (100%)
- install main comments tables in phpnuke (100%)
- reset highscores (removes and reinstalls entire table) (testing)
- Add/Edit/Delete FlashGames
- Add/Edit/Delete Categories
- Set size of SWF GAME
- Set Screenshot of SWF

Ill be adding many more features and am currently looking for feedback from all the members here to see what you all think.

Im guessing here but im sure if your waiting on a reply from a admin/mod or maybe even another member you can kill some time and try to get the hi-scores... lol.

anyway, enjoy the Flash Games module and please report any bugs in the 'FLASHGAMES PROJECT' forum..

thanks guys,

Flash Games Project Forum: here"
Posted on Thursday, January 06 @ 17:40:31 CET by VinDSL
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Re: PHPNuke FlashGames Module +Hi-Score Support (Score: 1)
by forahobby ( on Tuesday, January 11 @ 14:50:48 CET
(User Info | Send a Message)
Hi Flash Gamers,

This module is now available for free on the xbox-hq website in the DOWNLOADS section.. :) Sign up as a member so you dont have to vote before downloading.

You will love it.. I bet!

l8r guys,


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