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Easily create your own chat module.
Add Onschrisaroz writes "After looking for a chat module forever I got sick of it and made my own easily and quickly and wanted to share with everyone else how to do it. The reason I am not posting the module for download is because you have to create it yourself in order to customize it.

This is actually a guide on how to use several different free tools out there and pool them into a great free chat program. Start off at Decide if you want the free chat (supported by their small text ads) or if you want to pay for their chat service and click the apporopriate link. Choose the HTML Room and customize it to your liking. Highlight and copy the HTML code you are given (you can paste it into a file if you want). Now let's head over to the Module Creator hosted at Paste your code in the top window and click Create under the bottom window. Click Select All and copy the code. Paste your new chat room code into a new text file. Save the text file as index. php (if you can't save it as anything other than .txt don't worry, you can change it once it's uploaded to your site). Now access your site via FTP or DirecAdmin. Go to your Modules folder and create a new folder named "Chat". Open it up and FTP or copy your newly created index file inside. Change the name of the file to index.php if needed. We're almost done! Now, in order for this to work without receiving an error message you have to copy a "language" folder into your Chat module folder. I suggest using the language folder from either the "News" or "Feedback" modules. Just copy (don't move!) the entire language folder into your "chat" folder and you're set (make sure the "L" in language is lowercase). Now just go into the Modules section of your Administration panel, activate it, and you're ready to chat. Hope this helps, I know it's worked well for me! "
Posted on Saturday, November 13 @ 14:55:27 CET by VinDSL
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Re: Easily create your own chat module. (Score: 1)
by Gregory-Eric on Saturday, November 13 @ 19:11:54 CET
(User Info | Send a Message)
whoa! this seems to simple, I will diffently have to try! Thanx for the heads up. I have tried a few chat apps, just not happy with them tho'

Re: Easily create your own chat module. (Score: 1)
by pnoi on Monday, November 15 @ 02:51:16 CET
(User Info | Send a Message)
I followed your instructions but encounter this error when testing:

iframe src='' framespacing='0' frameborder='no' scrolling='no' width='500' height='400'>p>You do not have iframes enabled. More Info

!-- End Free ParaChat v5.5 Code -->

here's my site:

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