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Felow Nukers, Webmasters & Web Hosts
Securitynukelabs writes "I want to let you know how sorry we are here at nuke)LABS, for those who have recently downloaded several of our files from our downloads database. The recent modification we have design was called Contact Us Module which was suppose to work directly from your PHPNuke Website to your Outlook Express on your Desktop. The module was brilliant and worked great forthe few hours we have designed it. We even had a few testers and others randomly, telling us how nice it was to have such program and module into 1.

We like to thank those who posted a comment here about this incident about how theyve downloaded this mod and received a virus on there website and or hard drive. We did tons or research over and over until we hit the jackpot and came accross a script within several of our files that didnt match our or others scripts. This worm is a serious virus thats related to the I-Worm.Gedza. Its dangerous and will cross your Internet, Web site, FTP, Email, IRC, P2P's, Hard Drive, CPANEL, MSN Messanger and all other ways that we windows users use and do normally on a daily basis. This file is usually spreaded from files that we normally download rom other websites such as for an example or like Alot of us arent aware about this. that wben we download a block or a module from these websites or any websites, and was only an example, however, when downloading files, and opening it up with programs such as winrar or dreamweaver to edit, you can ither see two things: VB.VBS or a certain scriptthat dont belong to the files you are looking for.

We also would like to that and the WINRaR Foundation for helping us solve this problem and solutions to fix it as well.
For more information on these worms and how to eleminate them, please visit this website because it too also helped us contain these informations on this piece of crap.. The site is
Im sure we arent the only ones that discovered this, but it should be reported ASAP. For thos who can help, please email us at
Thank you, and please all have a wonderful and bless evening. - Nuke)LAB Tech - mike"
Posted on Wednesday, September 22 @ 04:36:04 CEST by VinDSL
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Re: Felow Nukers, Webmasters & Web Hosts (Score: 1)
by BigBoy on Thursday, October 07 @ 00:00:31 CEST
(User Info | Send a Message)
Good luck but where can we find the Module contact us now? grrrrrrrrrr

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