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Iraq civialian body count block
Add Onsportz writes "In my web site you can find the Iraq Civilian Body Count block 100 x 100. News and updates from"
Posted on Friday, August 06 @ 14:25:28 CEST by VinDSL
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Re: Iraq civialian body count block (Score: 1)
by VinDSL on Friday, August 06 @ 14:48:18 CEST
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Just so there is no misunderstanding, I don't condone or condemn the content, e.g. purpose of this website. There is no hidden agenda in my 'approval' and posting of this article.

My 'feelings' are, if someone takes the time to submit a news item to Nuke Cops, and it has anything to do with PHP-Nuke, it isn't 'trollish', a marketing ploy, sexually explicit, or a Warez drop, et cetera, it will be approved. That is the case here; nothing more...

Don't kill the messenger... :)

Re: Iraq civialian body count block (Score: 1)
by Namsul on Saturday, August 07 @ 00:10:45 CEST
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Seeing this block has got me thinking, was there ever a block made for the American British and Australian (and other nations) soldiers who have given their lives liberating this country?

As an aussie I'de like to show in a small way how much I think they are heroes for their and their familes sacrifice. No-one want to lose a mother or father, brother or sister especially not 1000s of mile away in some country which has been killing civilians for alot of years prior to it's liberation.

I vaguely remember a block but unsure if it was a dynamic one sourced from a database or one manually edited.

Re: Iraq civialian body count block (Score: 1)
by gsicard on Saturday, August 07 @ 22:22:18 CEST
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Does this block show who the actual killers are? Not just some left wing propaganda. It may be surprising to know that the majority of Civilian casualties are inficted by their own country men and NOT our military personnel. Car bombs and suicide bombers - ??

That is the thanks we get for liberating 25,000,000 people. Why not show the number of people liberated or the number of lives saved per month because Sadam and his sons are gone from power.

Anyway, I digress.

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