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Prediction - The Game - v0.1.0
Add Onsseventhseal writes "Prediction - The Game! is all about your ability to answer some questions exactly or predict the future.

Games are created by the administrator of this site. Each game consists of any number of simple answer questions. Yes, no, single word answers, numeric answers. The idea is that you must be right or wrong. There is no gray area here!

Fixes for this release
  • User edits - users could edit each others answers (bad thing!)
  • Penalty points logic was not working correctly
  • Minor anomalys along the way!
OverviewEach game is points based. There is a game starting date, penalty date, and end date.
  • Start Date - The day the game begins. All games begin at 00:01 on the date given. You answer questions and are awarded a number of points to start. You may change answers to questions without penalty.
  • Penalty Date - This is the date that any changes to questions charge penalty points to your account.
  • End Date - This is the end of the game. The game is officially over when either the date is met, or the administrator answers the questions, which can happen at any time. Maybe the prediction occurs early! All points for all players are tallied based on right or wrong answers. If you are right, you keep the points you earned. If you are wrong you get 0, zilch, nada!
We hope you enjoy the game, it's all about fun! Installation Instructions This one is pretty straight forward. Unpackage the zip in a temp location and copy the files to their correct location in your PHPNuke install. Using phpMyAdmin or another favorite mySQL tool, inport the sql file included (prediciton.sql). That's pretty much it. This is ALPHA 0.1 - not because it's unstable, but because there are more things that can be added. Report Bugs Report ALL bugs in the Forums at IBDeeming! Credits
  • Original idea was requested by registered member at IBDeeming! (Wingfan5)
  • Written by John Horne (Seventhseal)
Get Your Copy of Prediction - The Game HERE"
Posted on Tuesday, June 15 @ 10:09:28 CEST by Zhen-Xjell
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