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Last Visit Version 3.0 is here!
ModulesProphet writes "Last Visit is an administrative module for PHP-Nuke which enables advanced user management capabilities for website administrators. Last Visit allows ease of identification and termination of inactive (dead) members and provides valuable statistical information in an easy to use layout. If you're familiar with the costs of bandwidth and webspace you may already see the true value of this module.
Every member of your site requires bandwidth and space. Every dead member is money out of your pocket in more than one way. The ability to identify and remove the dead memberships from your database makes this module one of your website's most powerful and valuable tools. How many other modules pay for themselves over and over again? With that said, here is a list of some of the features that Last Visit Version 3.0 has ...

Database table installer
User friendly design
Detailed legend
Hide description and legend
Hide settings
Measure activity status in hour, day, week, or month increments
Sort member list according to activity status
Set limit on number of members to list
Jump to member
Fetch member
Canned warning messages
Choose default warning message
Create, save, edit, or delete canned warning messages
IP logging
IP query
Edit member info
Registration date
Last visit date
Last visit time
# of page hits for member
Pages visited by member
Clear member tracking list
Warn individual members
Terminate individual members
Reset individual member stats
Suspend membership
Allow member access
Color coded activity status
Color coded warning status
Display only no-shows (new members that never log in)
Terminate no-shows
Warn all no-shows
Mass warn groups
Mass terminate groups
Reset all member hits
Clear all member tracking lists
Backup database
Various page statistics
and more to come...
I am releasing Last Visit version 3 under a private/single-user license. Although I know that we all want something for nothing, I feel that in order to continue with this particular project, I need to somehow cover the costs of the time and money it takes to do so.
After much thought I decided that $10 per user/copy is fair and reasonable ... the benefits far outweigh the cost.
I will only be using paypal for payment (FREE & SECURE). Upon notice of completed transaction, I will promptly email a unique copy of the program to the purchaser. The purchaser is then eligible for support, updates, upgrades, and fixes.
Purchase Last Visit 3.0 Here!"
Posted on Thursday, June 10 @ 08:49:07 CEST by Zhen-Xjell
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· News by Zhen-Xjell

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Re: Last Visit Version 3.0 is here! (Score: 1)
by Prophet on Thursday, June 10 @ 09:02:35 CEST
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Server appears to have crashed sometime this morning :( If you are unable to access the site for the Last Visit module, please try again later.
Sorry for the inconvenience!

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