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AutoTheme Tutorials!
Themesabracadaver writes "Thanks to Lobos at Webvida, we now have a full set of introductory AutoTheme theme creation tutorials!
  • Creating Theme Ready HTML from a Graphic Template

  • Creating Theme Ready Templates from HTML

  • Creating a Theme in AutoTheme Administration (specific to AT-Lite .7 and AutoTheme 1.7)

The tutorials are viewable online and downloadable as PDF. They are accompanied by a free graphic template and theme from Webvida that are used in the tutorial.

Comment posting and support for the tutorials is also available in the special forums.

Tutorials (other tutorial links in left blocks)

Also, don't forget AutoTheme!"
Posted on Thursday, February 19 @ 05:13:56 CET by Daniel-cmw
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PHP Nuke Halloween theme Released!

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AutoTheme Tutorials! Good Job - plz. put it under GPL to make it sustainable (Score: 1)
by NukeEvangelist on Thursday, February 19 @ 07:53:01 CET
(User Info | Send a Message)
Hello Abracacaver, hello Lobos from Webdiva

Good job. Anybody that produces documentation and tutorials should be commended for the effort.
Now that you've posted this guide, you may find other contributors. I'd love to see some documentation on how to write Themes using AutoTheme.

BTW: one question - did you put your work under the terms of GPL? eg " ...the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1!?"
That would help alot! Well that is (would) be the best thing you could do - Providing us with a gpl-ized document that beats all the non-gpl ized stuff that is all around us.

To further this a bit: That non gpl-ized stuff (take for example the documents of Drewvogel [])
HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH a Open Source Movement since it produces serious bottlenecks to the work of all willing guys. As the developement of PHPNuke and PostNuke changes rapidly a documentation has to be a place that provides a learning center not only for newbies but sometimes also for veteran PHPNukers and PostNukers. With a bottleneck-free (READ "GPL-ized") documentation the work and further developement can be sustainable. All the efforts which have been gained are not lost if - the author decides to stop the work on it, which was the case in DREWVOGELS guide.

Again - many thanks for the documentation and Tutorial.


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