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wvLite, an HTML 4.01 Transitionally Compliant theme
Themeslobos writes "Greetings,

This was a challange - design a theme without tables... well I did it and got it w3c html 4.01 compliant as well (got xhtml strict too, but that version is maybe for another time...). So here you go - lobos' incredible floating theme hehe.

wvLite is HTML 4.01 Transitionally Compliant* and designed using only CSS. It contains no html tables at all and was created to provide module developers with a fast theme that could easily test module output for w3c compliancy.

As stated above the theme is very fast and very lite so if you need a theme that is very fast without an emphsis on pretty graphics, this could be the one for you.

Included are several templates including a blockless full width template for module devs to test for W3C ...

The theme is still beta, so there maybe some bugs.

theme Engine: Autotheme
License: GPL
Download (You must register to download :)
More great themes at

*A theme is only ever compliant as the modules and data it is displaying so chances are this theme will not magically make your website W3C comliant - I do hope that developers utilise this tool to help them create standards compliant modules.

Kindest regards
Lobos "
Posted on Sunday, January 18 @ 09:42:33 CET by Zhen-Xjell
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Spam (Score: 1)
by yrret on Sunday, January 18 @ 14:55:27 CET
(User Info | Send a Message)
Site is in MD Pro, not nuke, so how is it a nuke demo?
The Download link takes you to their download page which is a templatemonster affiliate pay thing. oh yea there are google text ads tool.

I did register, there is still nothing there to download.

If I get any spam to the account I registered I will recommend you to the blacklist.


  • Re: Spam by Lobos on Sunday, January 18 @ 15:20:00 CET
    • Re: Spam by blumie607 on Monday, January 19 @ 00:15:44 CET

Re: Is there any way for this theme to work without using Autotheme? (Score: 1)
by Lobos on Monday, January 19 @ 15:56:39 CET
(User Info | Send a Message)
Unfortunately no, but AT-Lite 0.7 is GPL and free, why not use it?


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