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PortedMods: Cashmod 2.2.1 for phpBB Port
Add OnsFinally i had the chance to update the cashmod too the latest version.

Its for users to gain money/points by posting . This mod can replace the points module, it is very easy to install this mod.!

The old cash mod (v2.0.2) has been replace with the new versio (2.2.1). I higly advice everybody too update too the lastest version because it has some real nice NEW features. Try it and like it


Download, and original news release.
Posted on Thursday, January 15 @ 15:18:23 CET by Zhen-Xjell
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Re: PortedMods: Cashmod 2.2.1 for phpBB Port (Score: 1)
by Polo on Friday, January 16 @ 09:09:56 CET
(User Info | Send a Message)
Anor says "it has some real nice NEW features", do anyone knows what these new features are? or where can I find some info on these new features?

Re: PortedMods: Cashmod 2.2.1 for phpBB Port (Score: 1)
by anor on Friday, January 16 @ 10:48:32 CET
(User Info | Send a Message)
Hehe, yeah i has ALOT of nice features, here are they:

Multiple Admin-configurable currencies
Enable yourself to create, rename, and remove as many currencies as you want
No longer necessary to install multiple systems just to have multiple points/cash etc, this is your one-stop solution
Images supported!

Points System back-compatibility
Allows mods that run off of Points System to run off of Cash Mod with minimal (if any) work

MySQL & MSSQL Installer
SQL installer for MySQL & MSSQL users

Admin Control Panel
Smooth, sleek, and slightly sexy

Custom Forum Options
Turn any or all of your currencies off or on for any of your forums on your board.
Easy to use Admin Control Panel makes this a snap!

Donate Cash
Let your users donate cash to other users.

Send PMs with donation!
Also (optionally) allow moderators to edit user's cash via the profile page. Admins come with this option automatically

Spam prevention
Worried about users spamming your board for cash? not a problem! Use the easy spam tools to determine how many posts a user can make within a given time period and be able to gain cash for them

Custom Cash Settings
Set how many cash points a user makes per post
Set how many cash points a user makes per reply,
Set how many cash points a user makes per character
Bonus for each reply (Rewards for popular thread starters!)
Set maximum amount per post
(or any combination thereof)

Cash Groups
Set bonus amounts for user in different groups, ranks, and levels

Quote Include/Uninclude
Capability to disable users from gaining points for quoted sections

Enable/Disable User Debt
Feeling mean and want to put your users in debt?

Set all users Cash
With a click of a button, you can set/reset the cash amounts of all users!

Currency Exchange
Allow users to exchange one form of currency for another, at rates that you set!

Log Actions
Log cash-related actions that go on over your board

Decimal Cash
Cash now comes in decimals!

Plug-in Events
Cash Amounts for events, generated by board actions, or other mods!

Cash Mod API
Application Program Interface, allows for much simpler dealing with Cash Mod by other mods needing or using a rewards systems

Cash on PM
If you feel the need to encourage your users to spam... (by default, this is turned off)

Hope somebody likes it :) I know i do:)

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