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PHPNuke: thats open source at its best: fix for PHP-Nuke 7.0
General NewsNukeEvangelist writes " a new article on with a little but important fix for PHP-Nuke 7.0 - found by PHPNuke-Dutch-Community members: This proofs the unifying architecture not only in content management software [CMS], but in human participation and knowledge sharing.

"Hello Nukers! Today after a big digging of Alain Melsens, owner of the PHPNuke-Dutch-Community website, he found a fix for a bug present in the is_group() function on the mainfile.php distributed with PHP-Nuke. I want to give thanks to Alain to report this bug few days ago and to provide the fix.

The file of PHP-Nuke 7.0 in the Club has been updated, if you don't want to re-download it just for one line of fix... read more to know how to apply the fix. You need to edit mainfile.php and go to the line 289 with the following lines -( read on for further infos)

Just another proof of concept: PHP-Nuke is a global unifying architecture not only in content management software [CMS], but in human participation and knowledge sharing. This shows that we have a very tight support-network with a pervasively networked gloal community of knowledge-sharing and participation:

More about the website: Forums :: Feedback via contactmailer"
Posted on Monday, December 15 @ 12:33:13 CET by Zhen-Xjell
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Re: PHPNuke: thats open source at its best: fix for PHP-Nuke 7.0 (Score: 1)
by XEULAS ( on Monday, December 15 @ 14:48:20 CET
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The fix has been posted here, at nukecops, for a good while now.

Re: PHPNuke: thats open source at its best: fix for PHP-Nuke 7.0 (Score: 1)
by Kenpro on Tuesday, December 16 @ 05:59:49 CET
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Yup they should read the Update to the article before they post it here, it says; Note: To avoid some conflicts, Alain Melsens contacted me today to leave clear that he didn't code this fix, but he just found it coming from his site's forum.

Just see for yourself:

Re: PHPNuke: thats open source at its best: fix for PHP-Nuke 7.0 (Score: 1)
by XEULAS ( on Wednesday, December 17 @ 11:22:54 CET
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2 more cents:

I've always felt that when doing a 'fix', one should change as little as possible of someone elses code... (because continuous changes mean at some point it could possibly no longer resemble the original code, and if the author updates his code with the fix, he would probably only change the part that needs fixing- which means if you changed more than the author, you would then have a derivitive that does not match the authors code, and any newer releases could eventually screw you up).

What I'm getting at, is that there is no need to change this code as much as has been shown here. The ONLY change that is actually needed is the addition of the equal sign, to wit:

You need to edit mainfile.php and go to the line 289 where you can find the following text:

if ($points > 0 AND $points >= $row[points] || $mod_group == 0) {

Just change it to:

if ($points >= 0 AND $points >= $row[points] || $mod_group == 0) {

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