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Site Hacking... When will this stop???
SecurityKommius writes "Once again, a php-nuke site got hacked. However this time, it was my site... and as if this wasn't enough, even my webhost ( got hacked!!! This is really annoying. Why are there so many idiots out there who have nothing else to do than hack and destroy the work of others????"
Posted on Friday, December 12 @ 21:52:14 CET by Zhen-Xjell
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Most read story about Security:
PHP-Nuke admin.php security hole - PATCHED

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Re: Site Hacking... When will this stop??? (Score: 1)
by allevon on Friday, December 12 @ 23:11:11 CET
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How about an old "I told you so"? Sorry to hear that happened to you and hope you get everything all cleared up quickly.

Re: Site Hacking... When will this stop??? (Score: 1)
by morgue on Saturday, December 13 @ 01:14:33 CET
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We must know that, even their great achievements, human being is too silly and immoral and can't even stop killing each other for a historically long time. Sometimes we lose our mind and do something evil because we are what we are. At this point of view, all you have to do is simple. Back up very often, heighten the security consciousness, do Windows update or apt-get or whatever to keep your system updated.

SQL injection vulnerability is caused by careless mistakes of developers like poorly sanitized user input or posted values. Yes, even developers are humans, too. Fortunately PHP-Nuke is a free software so that you can improve its codes and you can ask anything to skilled developers for any help here. Do you want more? They are providing professional services here, too.

Well, I'm the one who wants more, acutally. I think we need a security oriented team or reformed crackers to keep Nuke secure.

Re: Site Hacking... When will this stop??? (Score: 1)
by Audioslaved on Saturday, December 13 @ 04:14:22 CET
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I couldn't agree more,

I think the community as a whole needs to restandardize how we are doing business, I suggest an "Operation Secure the Nuke", open the floor to all developers who know php/mysql security, and come up with new module/admin module standardization and procedures which us developers should try to take heed too for future development for the CMS. Not only will this prevent third party mods from being vulnerable it will hone everyone else's skills at spotting bad insecure code and allow others to offer solutions instead of 3/4's of us purely relying on good ol ChatServ, though he is awesome and very respected by me, I hate not having that good security practice clue and having to rely on him for most of that secure code.

going along with that team concept, perhaps ChatServ will take the lead as team leader and others who have a security clue can volunteer and we can scrub this bad boy, if I knew more specifically what to look for and what php functions and methods are the best to use, I would be more than willing to help scrub away and rid this insecurity(ies) out of the distro once and for all.

ChatServ, are you game, Zhen are you game for a volunteer nukecops security team to scrub the CMS. I'm game and then some.

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