We will not analyse the HTML syntax of all the files, we think it's better that you understand the principles that are used and that you learn a few tricks that allow you to use a visual editor
such as DreamWeaver.
- Example:
The block is created in this way:
<table border="0 "cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0
"bgcolor="#000000" width="150 "><tr><td>
<table border="0 "cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0
"bgcolor="#dedebb" width="100% "><tr>< td align="left" >
<font class="content "color="#363636" ><b> $$title </b ></font>
<table border="0 "cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0
"bgcolor="#ffffff" width="150 " >
<tr valign="top "><td bgcolor="#ffffff">
< br >
As you see, we create a table of fixed width (in our case 150) and we assign it some colours (for the background etc...). We also assign two variables ($title and $content) that will, once
included in theme.php, load the title and the content of the block. It would have been useful, for a code clarity reasons, to define background values in the CSS tables instead.
To have all the necessary cases to get the conclusions of this chapter and to write a pair of rules, we have to analyse a very simple module that includes a case we have still not mentioned, the
images management:
</td><td><img src="themes/NukeNews/images/pixel.gif
"width="15" height="1 "border="0" stop = "">
</td><td valign="top" width="100%">
The image is a spacer that adds a space of 15 pixels, but where do we load the image from? Which path do we have to assign it? Remember that the theme.php file is included in the PHP-Nuke root directory , so the image path must start from root to the indicated theme. The path to the image "pixel.gif" is "themes/NukeNews/images/pixel.gif"
Attention! |
When you add images in an automatic way by using a visual editor, the path will be only images/image.gif, and you will have to correct it by hand, adding the correct path.
Another trick is to assign, in theme.php, a variable to the name of the theme, to make it independent from possible changes of the folder name. So for the variable $nameoftheme = " NukeNews ", the
syntax of the image path will be:
<img src="themes/$nameoftheme/images/pixel.gif">