PHPNuke + OSCommerce = OSC2Nuke Release 1!!! |
taiter writes "The breaking news about osc2nuke was quite a welcome suprise. We thought intrest had all but disappeared. After a long stall, we got the ball rolling on the first official release of Osc2nuke.
***The official support site is at www.osc2nuke.biz***
Downlaods and support can still be foud at portal.imagine-aus.com. The new release will be a stable, trimmed, and (hopefully) bug free version based on the code in the beta 3 release. This is not a different package like some of the others that popped up in the absence of osc2nuke.org. It is the original codebase.
Release is scheduled for Saturday March 6th!!
Due to an unfortunate hospitalization of the project's original leader, the original devlopment page has been shut down. We do not know when/if this site will become abvailable again."
Posted on Thursday, March 04 @ 12:58:09 CET by Daniel-cmw |
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