XAMPP Version 1.5.4 the great Apache Serverstack: part of a toolkit
Date: Saturday, August 26 @ 01:48:22 CEST
Topic: Add Ons

XAMPP the great Apache Server Stack - get your copy today :: first new Beta of XAMPP 1.5.4 (for Linux) first new Beta-Version of XAMPP running on Linux

new Apache 2.2.3, MySQL 5.0.22, PHP 4.4.3 and phpMyAdmin 2.8.2.

Travel over to http://www.apachefriends.org

BTW see also the great docs for PHPNuke at http://www.karakas-online.de

you want to hack and tweak your blocks: Some of the globally dispersed ressources for hacking, tweaking, customizing: see the PHPNUKE-HowTo on karakas-online :: Developers Guide to PHP-Nuke with many subsections ::

This article comes from NukeCops

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