UMPCFoucus-the global group of Nukers welcomes the 40,000 user on
Date: Saturday, March 11 @ 21:49:01 CET
Topic: Nuke Cops

The global group of Nukers welcomes the 40,000th user on

UMPCFoucus - you are welcome! is happy to see your arrival here! 40,000th users that share ideas, code and knowledge.

BTW: Now we have more than 40 countries with support sites. Soon we will have a very tight support-network with a pervasively networked global community: good conditions to bring one of the best weblogs ahead!

Sharing: It's what drew the developers, users, hackers and everyone else together...

To share the challenge and the possibilities of new innovations - that belief is shared by the large Nuke group. At the global nuke-group we believe sharing is the way to create better ideas - ideas that can move the community, the code, and the world [all together] forward.

Again - UMPCFoucus - welcome!

This article comes from NukeCops

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